Wednesday, November 25, 2009


What does it mean to be thankful? Perhaps we could all write on our blogs or facebook account that we are "thankful for...", but does that constitute sincere thanks for some thing? I don't believe so. If one were really thankful for... they would go and show it (show - meaning that they actually do something that constitutes some significant act such that anyone who witnessed it would know their gratitude). I would challenge all of you who read this, to actually go out and DO something to show your gratitude.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Homosexuality and Individual choice.

Recently, homosexuality has become of much concern for religious groups and politicians alike. Last year marked an interesting mile stone in how democracy is ran -and how De Tocqueville's prophetic words have seemed to come to pass. De Tecqueville was concerned that a democracy, like the one he experienced in America, would lead to a strong tyranny of the majority (a tyranny is defined as: cruel and oppressive government rule, or using power to control a group of people unjustly). The passage of Proposition 8 was an interesting movement toward thwarting the seemingly unnatural and perverse anomaly of homosexuality. Religious groups, private individuals, and politicians were able to successfully implement sufficient amount of force and persuasion to stop the ability that homosexual couples had to marry in the state of California. My concern is: was this just? Or was it the right of the majority to prohibit these people form acting a certain way sexually?
Previously, I had not supported any action with regard to homosexuality, and I still follow my previous belief; nevertheless, I have decided to take back my praise of Proposition 8. This may come as a surprise to many -especially those who know me well. My grounds for my current stance are founded upon my gravitation toward the more right wing -libertarian political ideology [(from 0 to 10):Economic issues:+9.97 right; Social issues:+5.90 libertarian; Foreign policy:+2.00 neo-con; Cultural identification:+0.89 conservative)].
I firmly believe that homosexuality is -at best- a natural perversion; a type of fluke, if you will. I also think that it violates certain spiritual/religious truths. However, my issue, here, is that I do not feel that they should be prohibited from doing what it is that they want. They should be allow them to get married or call themselves whatever they want -they should be free to choose. However, does their choice mean that I have been affected by it? Am I now going to become homosexual because they can be called "married?" No! I will not be affected. Their choice is self-condemning if you are religious and non-effecting otherwise -that is the beauty of taking up the position of not caring about what actions others may form in their private life that do not directly effect one's liberty. If they have chosen to engage in such perverse sexual acts and thus have violated God's truths, then they will be punished accordingly.
I suppose that the case is this: I have no right to impede upon other's rights or ability to choose just as God himself does not impede upon individual agency.


This blog will serve as my main blog. I have decided to start using by word-press blog as well. However, my previous blogger page will remain inactive.